
Ghost Wings (Kami) (✧ R)

Category: ✦ Wing
Species: Kamiguri

Doll Wings (Kami) (✧ UC)

Category: ✦ Wing
Species: Kamiguri
Slime Familiar (Olya)

Slime Familiar (Olya) (✧ C)

Category: ✦ Magic
Species: OlyaPaw

Previous name: Fairies / Fairy

Each familiars they created must be the same. (for example: you decided to made bat familiar, so all of your OlyaPaw familiar must be bat! you can't mixed up with butterfly or goldenfish) can be round simple + face (have ears, eyes, and mouth) or based on real-life small animals  that doesn't grow bigger than the palm of your hand (small birds, bugs, fish, etc.)

Regular eyes (✧ C)

Category: ✦ Magic
Species: FaeHu
mini guide
Spoiler text.


No ears (✧ C)

Category: ✦ Magic
Species: FaeHu
mini guide
Spoiler text.


Dragonfly wings (✧ C)

Category: ✦ Magic
Species: FaeHu
mini guide
Spoiler text.


Slime Weapon (Cha)

Slime Weapon (Cha) (✧ C)

Category: ✦ Magic
Species: Chasen

All Chasen have slime tentacles that they can hide or show at will!  They use it mainly while hunting or fighting.  The tentacles can only grow from the shoulders, arms, waist or the base of the tail. The tentacles may be any shape, but they must be made out of slime and look generally tentacle-like (long and wiggly)


Variety Slime (Cha) (✧ R)

Category: ✦ Magic
Species: Chasen

Resin slime colour does not folowing the base common previews, This trait allowed having multiple colours each slime part, which means it can be NOT match all colours and markings on resin slime presents the characters! You can including any markings on its.

Fancy Familiar (Olya)

Fancy Familiar (Olya) (✧ SR)

Category: ✦ Magic
Species: OlyaPaw

These familiars are made up from OlyaPaw's slime, can be any mystery creatures, and all big animals! such as dragon, griffon, unicorn, shark, etc. they must be resize to not grow bigger than the palm of your hand. Each familiars they created must be the same. (for example: you decided to made shark familiar, so all of your OlyaPaw familiar must be shark! you can't mixed up with dragons or deers)

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