Bones Piece (Olya) (✧ Faith)
Category: ✦ Body
Species: OlyaPaw
Bones accrete on body. This trait are no longer used! Existing design can be edited to normal Slime Resin Secretions for free with no cost (you can keep old design)
Front Paw (Olya) (✧ C)
Category: ✦ Legs
Species: OlyaPaw
Fluffy front paw! may including small claw made of resin-slime or standard claws
Fancy Arms (Cha) (✧ SR)
Category: ✦ Legs
Species: Chasen
previous name & traits: monster, ancient, fin, small fin, sea monter, bat, bird
Fancy Arm (Olya) (✧ SR)
Category: ✦ Legs
Species: OlyaPaw
previous name & traits: gryphon, fog, dragon
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