All Prompts

◈ Show off

◈ Show off

Category: monthly prompts

A general monthly prompt! Write or Draw your character to earn coins


Draw or write any Resinvear characters. You can use other people's characters if you don't own any of them



  • 2 submission per month
  • Species allowed: Chasen, OlyaPaw, Frania, Kamiguri
  • commissioned ok
    • while you can’t submitting any works that isn’t be done by you on site, you can only submitted link for prompts submission
  • collab not avaliable for now, sorry!


  • 400+ words.
  • must description 70% more about the character


  • You must have at least one approved Resinvear creature in your entry!
  • Must be halfbody (60%) + colored
  • background and shaded are not required.


Extra rewards mean you did more than minimum requirements! Maximum 100 coins, meaning you cannot go over +100 coins each prompt bonus.

Extra (writing):

  • Pets: +2 coins (not stack) **You must own the pet you writing**
  • Every 300+ words: 2 coins

Extra (drawing):

  • Drawing Fullbody (75%+): +3 coins
  • Shading: +3 coins
  • Pets: +3 coins (not stack) **You must own the pet you draw**
  • Additional Character: +3 coins
  • Basic Background: +1 coins
    • no gradient and pattern background

  • Advanced Background: +10 coins
    • 3 elements each fore-ground, mid-ground, and back-ground
    • examples: clouds + sun + birds as background AND ground + flowers + rocks as mid-ground AND any three elements on fore-ground


Reward Amount
Coins 5
◈ Guild prompt

◈ Guild prompt

Category: monthly prompts

Write or Draw your character taking job or doing activities from guild bars


There are often gathering places called guilds. which is a place to take job and trading. Maybe the excited adventure are waiting for you! Are they treasure hunting Or maybe exploring new places? or looking for the stolen employer's book? You can use other people's characters if you don't own any of them!


  • 1 submission per month
  • Species allowed: Chasen, OlyaPaw, Frania, Kamiguri
  • commissioned ok
    • while you can’t submitting any works that isn’t be done by you on site, you can only submitted link for prompts submission
  • collab not avaliable for now, sorry!


  • 400+ words.
  • must description 70% more about the character


  • You must have at least one approved Resinvear creature in your entry!
  • Must be halfbody (60%) + colored + background
  • Shaded are not required.


Extra rewards mean you did more than minimum requirements! Maximum 100 coins, meaning you cannot go over +100 coins each prompt bonus.

Extra (writing):

  • Pets: +2 coins (not stack)**You must own the pet you writing**
  • Every 300+ words: 2 coins

Extra (drawing):

  • Drawing Fullbody (75%+): +3 coins
  • Shading: +3 coins
  • Pets: +3 coins (not stack)**You must own the pet you draw**
  • Additional Character: +3 coins
  • Basic Background: +1 coins
    • no gradient and pattern background

  • Advanced Background: +10 coins
    • 3 elements each fore-ground, mid-ground, and back-ground
    • examples: clouds + sun + birds as background AND ground + flowers + rocks as mid-ground AND any three elements on fore-ground


Reward Amount
Coins 15
Resin Gems 5
◈ How about your day?

◈ How about your day?

Category: monthly prompts

Write or Draw your the characters doing their own activities in Resinvear!


Draw or write any Resinvear characters enjoy their own day! what would it be? does your character preparing berries for others? are they pretending to be OK when they realized of forgoting stuff? Is there someone birthday? Or has anyone have the bad day instread ?? You can use other people's characters if you don't own any of them



  • 1 submission per month
  • Species allowed: Chasen, OlyaPaw, Frania, Kamiguri
  • commissioned ok
    • while you can’t submitting any works that isn’t be done by you on site, you can only submitted link for prompts submission
  • collab not avaliable for now, sorry!


  • 400+ words.
  • must description 70% more about the character


  • You must have at least one approved Resinvear creature in your entry!
  • Must be halfbody (60%) + colored + background
  • Shaded are not required.


Extra rewards mean you did more than minimum requirements! Maximum 100 coins, meaning you cannot go over +100 coins each prompt bonus.

Extra (writing):

  • Pets: +2 coins (not stack)**You must own the pet you writing**
  • Every 300+ words: 2 coins

Extra (drawing):

  • Drawing Fullbody (75%+): +3 coins
  • Shading: +3 coins
  • Pets: +3 coins (not stack)**You must own the pet you draw**
  • Additional Character: +3 coins
  • Basic Background: +1 coins
    • no gradient and pattern background

  • Advanced Background: +10 coins
    • 3 elements each fore-ground, mid-ground, and back-ground
    • examples: clouds + sun + birds as background AND ground + flowers + rocks as mid-ground AND any three elements on fore-ground


Reward Amount
Coins 15
Resin Gems 5
3 results found.