Terms of Service

Created: 10 June 2023, 17:00:14 UTC
Last updated: 2 September 2023, 01:33:54 UTC

Resinvear is owned by DearRyufur and ForonGur

All Resinvear’s characters including OlyaPaw, Chasen, Frania, and Kamiguri species are CLOSED SPECIES you cannot make your own as part of this species without stated permission.




This TOS extends to all official Resinvear sites, communities and Social Media

By accessing the site or Discord, viewing any content, or using any services available on the site, you are agreeing to be bound by these terms. Failure to abide by these terms may result in a warning, a ban from the Resinvear group, and/or termination of the account on the Resinvear website, depending on the severity of the situation. If you do not accept all of the Resinvear group’s rules, refrain from interacting with this species and participating in any events.

The base framework of the Resinvear website is based on the openly available Lorekeeper ARPG Masterlist. We do not claim ownership of this framework, nor claim creatorship. All other content found on this website, including artwork, writing, etc. belongs to the Resinvear group, unless stated otherwise. Credits for any extensions and Artwork can be found on the Credits page. 

While these Rules extend out of our official Site to anyone interacting with the Resinvear species, we can’t fully regulate what happens on third-party sites or servers. We advise to not join any unofficial groups, as those are not moderated nor observed by us. However if you find any suspicious activity outside of our server or site, you may contact us and we’ll try our best to resolve these issues but can’t guarantee to be able to execute proper action.

These terms are subject to updates and changes, so it is important to check them regularly. Whenever Rule changes are made we will update the ‘Last updated’ date at the top of this Document and make an announcement in our official Discord. When big Rule updates have been made we will also announce these on our Resinvear website through the News feature.





Users are expected to be kind and respectful to other members and staff regardless of the situation or circumstance. The Resinvear community is not a place for venting, ranting, or overt negativity. Please do not bring up any topics that may be harmful or upsetting to others in public.

Participation in our official Discord group is a privilege not a right. Discord participation is also not required in order to obtain or own any Resinvear characters nor to enter most events.

  • Perpetuating pedophillia, zoophilia, racism, nazism, sexism, ableism, homophobia, transphobia, and any other hateful remarks inside or outside of the group. Bigots are not welcome in our community.

  • Being rude to, bullying, or harassing users in the Discord server, or on other social media. If there is a concern with a user that cannot be solved with blocking, please open a ticket or contact a mod. Note: We require proof of instances of breaking TOS, and cannot go off of "good faith" statements. Please provide (to the best of your ability) transcripts, screenshots, or any other relevant information.

  • Name-dropping or publicly gossiping about an individual, even if not present, to stir up drama.

    • Discussing rumours, scandals, or malicous/negative situations involving other species, closed or otherwise, including the community, designs, or owners of those species in the Discord server is prohibited.
    • Additionally, any user found to be posting harassment or these topics to "hate" or "drama" blogs will receive a strike. Both of these instances are malicious and directly go against the rule above of respect towards the community.
  • Guilt-tripping, whining, or complaining about adoptable or artwork prices. Do not beg, guilt, or harass members or staff to try to gain characters, items, currency, or artwork. Resinvear characters are an artist-made luxury item, not a necessity.

  • Harassing another user to sell or trade their Resinvear character(s) to you when they are not explicitly put up for sale or trade offers. If a character is not listed for sale or trade, please do not contact the owner to ask if you can purchase or trade to obtain them.

  • Creating off-brand Resinvear characters or species to sell, or copying an existing Resinvear character’s design & selling it as a different species.

  • Scamming another user by attempting to sell or trade a character that does not belong to you, or accepting money but not transferring the design to the buyer.

  • Reselling your Resinvear character for more than their official Value. If you’d like to appraise your Resinvear's species’s value, please Appraisal section, which can be found under the ‘Sales and Trades > Resale’ rules

  • Creating multiple on-site accounts to obtain on-site currency/items, to participate in sales and raffles, or other means to profit off of the Species will result in an immediate permanent ban from the Species.

  • Pretending to be a moderator, admin or GA may result in a ban depending on the severity of the situation.

When moderators make a decision or announce a new feature, the issue is open for further discussion in suggestion channel on discord. It can be overwhelming and difficult for individual mods to handle when large numbers of people all question a decision at once, and we much prefer concerns to be addressed one-on-one. This allows us to take our time formulating our replies without getting buried in other messages or overrun by an overwhelming response. Please know that we consult with the entire team for all major decisions and think about our members’ happiness first. No decision is pushed forward without heavy discussion beforehand.

While we encourage members to voice their opinions and highly appreciate suggestions, we also have to consider the wellbeing of our moderators and other members. When topics are often and excessively discussed, our moderator team might not always be ready to fully divert their attention to the discussion at hand and quickly form a comprehensive and accurate response. Therefore, we might ask members to temporarily drop a topic if we feel like the discussion is getting out of hand, is too much for the available mod(s) to handle, or is overtly nitpicky or inconsiderate. In this case, the moderators will always discuss the topic as soon as possible with the full team and make a public announcement in response. Once a moderator asks for a topic to be dropped and discussed later, it must be dropped immediately without any ‘last words’ added in. Ignoring this will result in a warning.

Suggestions and critique are welcome, as long as it’s constructive and civil - we will not tolerate hateful or cruel messages directed towards members or the moderator team. If suggestions or criticism devolve into name-calling or bad faith arguments towards the mods warnings will be given out to all involved.

Moderators are allowed to ban users based on them having prior bad experiences with them, or when users come forward and warn the moderation team.


  • Everything must be kept PG-13 in public spaces which includes the site. Therefore on site content may feature some NSFW imagery, themes and topics such as gore, body horror, and other possibly triggering content. This content will always be properly spoilered and marked with Trigger Warnings to make Users aware of its subject matter.
  • We are only allowed mild NSFW (mild blood / scars / body horror / candy gore / eye imagery) and asked to avoid any other major NSFW presents in group!


  • Members must be at least 16 years old to create an on-site account and join the species Discord server or to obtain a character of the group species through official sales and giveaways. Users under the age of 16 are asked not to interact with the species at all and will be banned if found to have created an on site account.
  • Swearing is allowed but keep it moderate.
  • We don’t tolerate adults bothering minors or vice versa. Inappropriate or suspicious talks between minors and adults may result in an instant ban from the species for one or both users involved.



  • You need to have an on-site account (linked to any of your social media; for now only Toyhou.se is possible to link) in order to own any Resinvear characters. DeviantArt is not possible in directly links, If you were owned any Resinvear characters on DeviantArt in past may contect the mods in discord server.
  • Your account name must be unique and cannot include any vulgar, sexual, suggestive, NSFW, hateful, or otherwise disrespectful words or phrases. Same goes with your Account’s biography and Profile Image.
  • Links in regular Users’ profiles are not verified by the mod team. Clicking on any links not provided by the site or moderators is to be done carefully. However it is forbidden for Users to include any content in their profiles that breaks any of our rules. If you find any suspicious, NSFW or otherwise rule breaking links or Userprofiles please report these to a moderator directly or through the Report button on the User’s page (triangle next to their Username).
  • It is forbidden to make multiple accounts on the Resinvear website or Discord for any reason. Making multiple accounts, to earn more ingame currency/items or materials, enter FTO/FFA sales for higher win chances, bypass bans, troll, cheat, etc. will result in a permanent ban without further discussion. To find such so-called ‘sockpuppet accounts’ we have a system on our site, which flags down suspicious accounts for us. After reviewing these, we will contact you to explain yourself.

-> If you find yourself unable to log back into your account, try resetting your password or contact a moderator as a last resort. If you would like to change your username, please contact a member of the staff team instead of creating a new account; we can change your username for you.

-> In the event of a ban, the banned user cannot create or use another account. Your account and access to your account is non-transferrable and cannot be given away, traded to, or sold to another user or person for any reason.

  • You can’t sell in-game currency/items for real-life money. You may trade art, physical goods, or characters for in-game currency/items though.
  • All art and writing uploaded by you must either be made by you! The gallery is a space for posting your own work only. If there's a commission, you can't post someone's work in the gallery. You can ask the artist to upload their work to the site, Do not upload other people's work to the website yourself. please copy the picture / journal link instead (from sts.sh / TH image / discord image / rolling cover from anywhere) + attach credit to the artist are fine.
  • The Resinvear group is strongly against NFTs (Non-Fungible Tokens) and will never interact with or condone them. Every instance of the acronym NFT used within our group is the shortened version of ‘not for trade.’ This acronym has been used for character trades for years and we will not change its in-group meaning to stand for Non-Fungible-Token, as we do not associate with them. The staff team and Guest Artists are against Non-Fungible Tokens.



All warnings, strikes, bans, and other personal matters will only be discussed privately with the individual involved. We will not give out any personal information to other users or disclose who has how many warnings, strikes, etc. any User has at any point in time.

A Warning will be given out to the User in question, for small and/or clearly unintentional rule breaks. Once 3 separate warnings have been sent to the same user, said user will receive a strike. 

Strikes may also be directly given, without prior warning, for larger and more intentional rule breaks. Once a user has received a total of 3 strikes, they will be temporarily or permanently banned from participating in the Resinvear's species group, depending on the severity of the situation and their previous warnings/Strikes. A user can earn multiple strikes at once for serious infractions.


We also reserve the right to instant ban someone without warning in serious situations.


There are 2 types of bans a user can receive:

A temporary ban means that the user is banned from participating in any group-specific games, events, sales, giveaways, and any other group-specific activities for a set period of time. During this time period the User may trade, gift or sell their Resinvear's characters but will need to provide proof of the trade to a moderator. Once the given timeframe has passed, the user may be allowed back into the group unless the moderators receive proof of continued malicious intent and/or non-changed behavior. If this is the case an extended or a permanent ban will be issued.

A permanent ban means that the user will be banned from all group-related social media, the Resinvear Discord, and the official Resinvear website. The user may no longer participate in any games, events, sales, trades, giveaways, and other group-hosted events. The user will be given a specific timeframe in which they can sell, trade or gift away their in-game items/currency, as well as any Resinvear characters logged on the website. After the given timeframe has passed, all characters, items, and currency still on the user’s on-site account will be permanently voided and deleted. This user may no longer receive Resinvear characters or other Species from this group. 


  • Pedophillia, zoophilia, racism, nazism, sexism, ableism, homophobia, transphobia, and any other hateful remarks inside or outside of the group.

  • Messaging/Exchanging NSFW content of any kind to/from an adult to/from a minor.

  • Anyone under the age of 18 may not create any Resinvear's species related explicit NSFW content nor can they share any other explicit NSFW content within the community.

  • Trolling, extended Name-dropping, extreme bullying or extreme lashing out on members or moderators.

  • Creating off-brand Resinvear's species characters or species to sell, or copying an existing Resinvear's species character’s design & selling it as a different species.

  • Scamming another user by attempting to sell or trade a character that does not belong to you, or accepting money but not transferring the design to the buyer.

  • Issuing a refund or chargeback after purchasing an official Resinvear characters without discussing this with the other User or moderator/GA first.

  • Selling a Resinvear character for a much higher value then their masterlist shows/ the moderators appraised.

  • Creating multiple on-site accounts to obtain on-site currency/items, to participate in sales and raffles, or other means to profit off of the Species.

  • Pretending to be a moderator, admin or GA.
  • Lying about your age in order to gain access to the website or Discord servers.

To read more about voided characters, refer to the relevant section, ‘Voiding.’ Users may keep their characters after they have been voided, but can no longer call them a Resinvear species or claim them to be a part of the Resinvear group. 

Users that have been permanently banned may be put on a public blacklist to warn and inform others. No personal information will be mentioned but the Users Usernames as well as a short version of the ban reason will be listed. This will only be done if we believe the User is- and will continue to be a rule breaker and put others in danger.



  • creators retain the right to use any Resinvear's species-related art that she has created for any material; this includes (but is not limited to) site art and promotional posts. 
  • Users are not permitted to trace creator’s or any other GA’s art or claim their art as their own.
  • You can edit existing art done by creators but NOT any of our official or guest artists work. If you want to change your character's design, you will need to redraw the character yourself or commission another artist, and submit a redesign request on our website.
  • Any art posted to our Website or in our Discord needs to follow the rules stated in the ‘website and species Conduct’ of this TOS. More specific rules may apply to the Discord due to its specific channels.
  • You may not sell merchandise of NPCs/creator's characters/the Resinvear brand as a whole, or profit off of creators’s art in any way. This includes creating prints or merchandise of her art, the species, etc. This also includes any art made by any of the official/guest artists. Users may sell merchandise made with their own art but this needs to be discussed with creators first.
  • mild NSFW (mild blood / scars / body horror / candy gore / eye imagery) art and writing is allowed to be made of Resinvear species. any other major NSFW art or writing may not be public in our group
  • Masterlist images may include mild NSFW elements (mild blood / scars / body horror / candy gore / eye imagery)




  • Resinvear's species are a closed species by DearRyufur and ForonGur (BP-Renme) meaning you cannot make your own without a MYO slot. Official Resinvear's species, OlyaPaw, Chasen, Frania, Kamiguri and any other in future can only be made by the species owners, and designated official Guest Artist or by using a MYO slot. These rules pertain to the ownership, resale, and trade of Resinvear's species designs. You may not claim ownership of the species or claim any rights to any art and content made for this group.
  • You may NOT make ‘fan characters’ or characters with similar aesthetics or anatomy and you may not sell those for a profit or call them ‘off brands’ or official Resinvear's species. Please do not mention the Species name nor DearRyufur or ForonGur name around them.
  • You may NOT make Resinvear's species with the use of a MYO slot based on real life people or characters that fall under official copyright rules.



  • When you own a Resinvear character, you own the personal and non-commercial rights to that character. The Resinvear Group retains the commercial rights to the character species, but does not claim any personal or commercial rights to any unique and individual character you may own. We will never claim to own or revoke any characters owned by any user.
  • Commercial Use of your Resinvear species requires specific approval by creators as well as the original designer of the character
  • Users only officially own a Resinvear Species Character if the Masterlist of said character is under their name. Once a Masterlist transfer has been made, approved and accepted the character no longer belongs to the previous owner. Only through the on site transfer of the character's specific Masterlist entry can the trade be verified and called legitimate. In order to reduce the possibility of a scam, users are encouraged to only initiate a character transfer after full payment has been made.
  • If a user is experiencing difficulty verifying the legitimacy or worth of a Resinvear species character they are purchasing off-site, they may reach out to a site moderator for assistance. 
  • At the moment every Resinvear species character may only have one official owner. Co-owning cannot atm be recognised on the site and is therefore discouraged. We do not and will not take any responsibility for co-ownership disputes nor the terms that co-owners set between themselves. You are completely responsible for keeping up and navigating your own co-ownership contract.
  • You may change your Resinvear's species appearance, character and design according to our guide and rules in our design/ redesign guide. Things like age, character, height, weight, body build, disability, scars, ethnicity and other things may be changed at the owners will.
  • While we host all Resinvear's species characters on our website, we have no direct connection to, or say in, how a user decides to develop their character’s personality and actions. We do not condone any inappropriate character development, but cannot and will not interfere with a user’s personal choices unless they directly violate our rules. It is against the Resinvear's species terms of service to make characters that perpetuate harmful stereotypes of race, gender, mental health status, lifestyle, etc.



  • The complete overview on design and redesign rules/ guides for Resinvear's species can be found on the design guide page. The following rules are simply the rules around designs and redesigns.
  • Larger design edits, different traits and specific patterns or colors might require in-game items which need application to the character. Once a redesign is submitted the item needs to be applied in the submission to make the redesign valid and approveable.
  • Once a design or MYO requests has been filled out and submitted you’ll need to wait for a Moderator to approve your request. This might take a couple of days please be patient.



  • a user may request to completely remove any of their Resinvear's species or pet characters that are on the Resinvear's species site as well as any association to the species. This will result in the masterlist of the character to be completely deleted which includes all of their art, info and items/traits. This action means ‘voiding’ your characters. After this process has been done the character can no longer be associated with the Resinvear's species group nor can it be called a Resinvear's species or the pet species name. This process is permanent and cannot be undone by the current nor any future owners of the character. 
  • Any user may decide to void any of their characters without question from the Resinvear Team or any other members. Refrain from asking any members why they have decided to void their characters as the reason might be personal or simply none of your business.
  • To void your character simply request to message a moderator and tell them which specific character you’d like to void. You will be requested to agree to this TOS once more before your characters will be permanently voided.
  • Resinvear's species without a masterlist entry are not considered an official Resinvear's species and should be reported to staff if the owner clearly pretends like the character is a Resinvear's species.



The following are general rules for any official Resinvear species sales as well as resales. Extended rules may apply to specific sales or events and by participating in any official sales, auctions, raffles, character events or trades you agree to these terms.



  • Official sales and creations of Resinvear's species can only be made by creators and when discussed by Moderators and designated GAs. 

- Please do not ask to be GA or Moderator. When applications open we will make announcements

  • Do not ask any mods or Guest Artists when sales go up.
  • Do not ask for specific Resinvear's species in seeking ads unless they’re up for trade/ you’ve gotten permission from the owner.
  • Do not message a Resinvear's species Owner asking if they plan to sell/trade their Resinvear's species, or if they would consider selling/ trading to you, unless the Resinvear's species has been listed for trades. This is disrespectful and will result in a warning. 
  • Do not complain or guilt-trip anyone about the value of Resinvear's species. They are not a necessity but a luxury item!
  • MYO Resinvear's species Slots are sold on occasion or raffled off in sales or free events occasionally as well. These slots are only valid if they have been uploaded to the Masterlist with their own Masterlist entry.
  • refunds and chargebacks are not accepted and will not be granted (exceptions for extreme situations may be made if they’re brought forward early enough) In the case of an unresolved chargeback, the character will be voided, you will be banned from the species permanently and put on a public blacklist to warn others.
  • Designers retain partial rights to their design. This includes all copyrights, rights to the intellectual property, and the rights to distribute, reproduce, and display in their online galleries. Artists will not reuse or resell the design for personal and commercial projects, unless the design has been traded back to them.
  • Artists reserve the right to refuse sale or service to anyone at their own discretion: this includes the sale of adopts or Guest Artist commissions. (Example: Users with brand-new / unverified accounts or repeat rule-breakers.)
  • We will not sell Resinvear's species characters to anyone under 18 unless they can prove they have a parent or legal guardian who watches over and approves of their online purchases. All GAs may decide for themselves whether or not they accept selling to a minor. If you are a minor and are looking to purchase a character from a Guest Artist, please contact them beforehand to discuss.
  • We are not responsible for any unofficial or stolen Resinvear's species characters you may purchase or trade for outside of our official Discord group, social media, or website. It is your responsibility to resolve the situation and get your money back if you are scammed outside of our community. You may report the incident to us but we cannot guarantee compensation. We only have control over the sales occurring within our community. However Users found to have made these sales will be punished with a temporary to permanent ban.



  • The currency should not be changed from one bid onto another. Most official Resinvear species sales are hosted in USD ($) but may be in another currency depending on the Artist.
  • It is forbidden for users to block other bidders to prevent them from making further bids.



  • Resinvear's species or Companion species of this group can’t be sold for more than their on-site Values.
  • If you'd like to appraise your Resinvear's species’s Value, read through our Appraisal part of the TOS below and ask to DM a moderator on our Discord. There, a moderator will work you through how to appraise your Resinvear's species.
  • Selling a Resinvear's species for higher than their official worth can be a bannable offense.
  • Only ask for an appraisal if you’re actually selling/trading/gifting your character.
  • MYO slots can be resold but only for their Masterlist value. Any MYO slots obtained through a prompt, free raffle or event does not have any resale value and can only be traded or gifted but not resold.


Appraising a Resinvear Species Character:

  • Resinvear's species of this group may be appraised if they have any added artwork or writing. To this counts digital art and digital writing. If you’d like to add the value of any physical items made of/for the Resinvear's species character, then you’ll need to also be willing to ship said items to the new owner.
  • You may only appraise your Resinvear's species character if you are planning to sell or trade the character.
  • To get your Resinvear's species character appraised Please send the report ticket on site or ask to DM a mod in the Discords and available mod will help you out at our earliest convenience.
  • You can compile everything into a doc and link that if that's easier, provide a link to your tracker with the image price and proof if you have one, or send us the images prices and proof directly! 

Personal work are not counts for add the value

Commissioned works: counts for FULL comm prices (please include screenshots of dms or paypal receipts, etc for proof)

Traded works: are not counts for add the value

Multi character note: if there are 2 resinvear characters in one piece, the worth is split in HALF (so if the comm was $30 featuring 2 characters, each character would be able to add $15 to their worth, not the full amount) 

Does not count: gifts, pieces used in prompts, pieces bought with coins or other site currencies NOTE: Make sure to list the currency (USD, etc) you paid in for each piece so we can convert it all to USD for the ML entry! Please also keep in mind that we may update or change these rules if people abuse them by bloating a character's worth just to sell/trade or we feel like they aren't right but so far we've been good!


Resinvear species, also known as OlyaPaw, Chasen, Frania, Kamiguri and other species in this world

MYO (Make Your Own) are slots sold, traded, or gifted to members to make their own character of a certain species. 

Closed Species are an Original Species defined by the unique nature of the character’s appearances, anatomy, and lore to create the species concept as a whole. Characters within a Closed Species are not free to make, meaning only certain individuals can create official characters of said species. Usually there are MYO slots with which other users can make their own characters of the species.

MYO (Make Your Own) are slots sold, traded, or gifted to members to make their own character of a certain species. 

GA (Guest Artist) These are individuals which were granted special permission to create Resinvear species characters and accept official rebase commissions. When and how many GAs are chosen is up to the staff team.

NFT (not for trade) Some Resinvear characters on Toyhouse might have the Tag ‘NFT’. This has always been a shortened version of ‘not for trade’ meaning that the character isn’t currently open for offers.

FTO (First Time Owner) are members which have never before owned a Resinvear's species. Owning/ Having owned Pet species of this Species do not take away a Users FTO status.

Non-Owners are members who have owned a Resinvear's species in the past, but currently do not own any Resinvear's species.

FFA (free for all) is a term used to indicate that a specific sale, trade, etc, is available for anyone to enter. This includes members who currently own Resinvear's species, as well as FTOs and Non-Owners. 

FCFS (first come first served) is a way to quickly sell characters or MYO slots. The person who replies fastest to the given advertisement will be the winner of said sale, giveaway, trade, etc.

Flat Sale Raffle - A flat sale raffle is a sale in which the character or MYO being sold has a predetermined price, such as $50, and the buyer is selected randomly from a raffle. It does not cost any money to enter into the raffle. Only the winner, once rolled from the raffle, will need to pay for the character. Do not enter any flat sale raffles if you cannot pay!

UFS (Up For Sale) indicates that a member is looking to sell their character! They sometimes have a set price tag, or may allow you to offer money with other things on top, such as art.  

UFT (Up For Trade) indicates that a member is looking to trade their Resinvear species for characters, such as one offs or other closed species! They may mention what sort of characters they are looking for in their post.  

SWAPS (Up For Swap) indicates that a member is looking to swap their Resinvear species for another Resinvear species only! If they are only looking for swaps, please do not try to bribe them with money or non-Resinvear species characters.

ENTERTAINING OFFERS indicates that a member is accepting offers on their Resinvear's species out of curiosity, but is not certain if they would let the character in question go. Entertaining means that it’s mostly to see what sort of trade offers they will get, so the people who offer shouldn’t get too excited about receiving said character.  

VOUCHERS indicate that a member is looking for money voucher offers. A money voucher means that a person can put their Resinvear's species up for sale for more money than the Resinvear's species is worth, as long as the money is for a particular emergency related goal (such as bills, emergencies, etc.) For example, if a Resinvear's species base value is 50 euros, and they get vouchered off for 400, the base value of that Resinvear's species will not change, so please be cautious because you WILL lose money over it. Please ask for permission from a mod before taking a voucher for your Resinvear's species! We do not tolerate this being mistreated. (?)

Please respect these terms and only offer what people ask for! Repeatedly ignoring sale or trade requirements will result in a strike.