Aquatic Quartz
Category: Upgrade items
Allows you to add or swap a trait into one common trait per potion to existing OlyaPaw, Chasen, Frania, or Kamiguri. You don't need this potion sending first MYO design approve. But once design approved, you need this potion for add / swap / or change common trait
Verdant Quartz
Category: Upgrade items
Allows you to add or swap a trait into one uncommon trait per potion to existing OlyaPaw, Chasen, Frania, or Kamiguri. You need this potion for add / swap / or change uncommon trait
Night Quartz
Category: Upgrade items
Allows you to add or swap a trait into one rare trait per potion to existing OlyaPaw, Chasen, Frania, or Kamiguri. You need this potion for add / swap / or change rare trait
Sun Quartz
Category: Upgrade items
Allows you to add or swap a trait into one super-rare trait per potion to MYO or existing OlyaPaw, Chasen, Frania, or Kamiguri. You need this potion for add / swap / or change super-rare trait
Rainbow Mushroom
Category: Upgrade items
Redesign major markings and colors of an existing designs. Traits didn't changed by using this potion! unless you have others potions to use for overhual redesign
Mysterious Quartz
Category: Upgrade items
Allows you to add or swap a trait into one mystery trait per potion to existing or MYOs. You need this potion for add / swap / or change mystery trait